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Category Archives: Life

Nobody Plays Their Villain In Their Own Movie

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“Nobody plays the villain in their own movie.”Image

So my posting activity recently has been about as active as a snail on Valium. However, I came across something that was one of those light-bulb moments in my head & wanted to share. “Nobody plays the villain in their own movie” – Read this years ago when I was a kid & for some reason it always stuck with me. Even though I thought I was the most badass Ninja-turtle whitey tighteys wearing 9 year old out there, I think I’m just recently starting to accept & understand what it actually means.

Everybody is living their life from THEIR point of view. Yeah maybe some things people do aren’t what you’d do, but they’re the lead character in their own life. It’s kinda weird to think that the person living on the street is doing their own thing right now, with a whole bunch of supporting characters and settings but that’s what life is. We’re all the hero in our own story & innately do things that benefit ourselves. For some reason though, we judge ourselves by our intentions but others by their actions.

Once you start looking at life that way, it really helps you take a step back & see the world from a totally different perspective. Someone else out there is happy with less than what you have. Having different perspectives in life is everything…

Achieving Your Goals

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What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.

That saying by the famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar is one that I’ve determined to live my life by. Sometime we get so caught up in physical rewards that we forget that the intangibles are where we truly get the most value and will certainly last with us the longest. For example, you finally complete a marathon that you trained for months on; sure that finisher’s medal at the end is great, however you undoubtedly will get the most pleasure from knowing that you had the self-will, discipline and determination to train and power through the race. That feeling of achievement will carry you so many more places that just the medal will.

Finishing Your Goals

Another example that many of us have experienced is when we finally get our college degree. At the end of the day, it’s just a piece of paper – however the qualities and traits that I picked up while getting a college degree has made me who I am today. I’ve said this a lot and many might disagree with me but the educational component wasn’t what I gained the most from while in college – it was picking up social skills (3:1 female ratio means no time to be shy), learning how to network (Butler forces you to find two internships before you graduate – both of mine were through recommendations from friends), thriving under pressure (who hasn’t completed a 5 page paper the night before), and learning self-discipline (even though the kegger on a Thursday night sounds great, you stay in to prepare for an 8am mid-term). My point overall – we become who we are through our experiences; the tangible rewards you get out of them mean nothing if you don’t gain any true life lessons. So think about all the goals you want to achieve in the next 5 years – there might be a tangible reward that comes out of each. As you cross them one by one off your list, think of the lessons you learned on your way to achieving each. I promise you’ll get far more pleasure and meaning out of all your accomplishments!

The Bystander Effect

I was hesitant to first post about this and then I realized if I didn’t, I’d be just like the handful of people that watched, murmured to themselves ‘Wow that’s sad’, and went on with their lives. Not that me writing about it is going to make that drastic of a change, but at the least, I can know I’m one more person saying how wrong it is. That might sound simple, but honestly how many times do we walk by something wrong and simply put our head down. ALL THE TIME. It’s called the Bystander Effect. The greater number of people present, the less amount of responsibility we seem to place on ourselves for helping someone in distress. Read the rest of this entry